About Me

Changing people’s lives for the better

Hey! I’m Ginni

Hypnosis Therapist

Relax…transform…let go. That sums up my approach. It is through that letting go that you allow for the space to build more productive and life-affirming thoughts and habits. Our journey is done in tandem. I guide you by creating the best possible conditions to establish an atmosphere for healing and personal growth, and you generate the work and change. You are powerful! Whether you’re working towards amplifying a particular behavior or reducing another, I will meet you with personal knowing, broad understanding, and complete acceptance.
My background is a less traveled path. I graduated from the United States Military Academy (USMA) and spent time in the Army. Throughout my time at USMA, I competed on various teams to include cross country, track and the marathon team. My own passion for sports is what drives me to make this one of my specialty areas. I’m also a mother. My children are incredible people and they enrich my life every day.

Being in the Army may seem a far cry from being a hypnotherapist, but they are more alike than most realize. True leadership rests on the ability to inspire others, help remove physical and mental roadblocks to optimize performance, and create lasting change. These are also critical foundations of hypnotherapy. With hypnotherapy you expedite this as you travel through your conscious mind and work at the source—the subconscious—to create lasting change.

Changing people’s lives for the better is the reason I became a hypnotherapist. Being in a constant state of positivity and raising the vibration in the world is my reason for being.

My Approach & Values

Your healing and positive change is my primary purpose. All that we do will center around maximum growth for you. The power of hypnotherapy comes from you. I serve as your guide to establish your best conditions to create change. My foundation is being positive and grateful. I approach life with joy. Integrity, loyalty, empathy, healing and being open minded are my guiding principles. I am passionate about the power of hypnotherapy and look forward to sharing it with you!

  • Integrity
  • Loyalty
  • Gratitude
  • Healing
  • Joy
  • Curiosity
I am committed to being anti-racist in my actions and business, and make this a life-long journey. I will identify and actively strive to eliminate racism, ethnic oppression and racial inequality in my views, beliefs, voting patterns and work to influence the beliefs and actions of others. I vow to do my part to dismantle White privilege, support BIPOC businesses and present a richer and more holistic world view. Hypnotherapy is a healing journey; anti-racism brings that healing to the group level.

My Experience

  • In addition to conducting hundreds hypnotherapy sessions, I’ve spent my life immersed in learning about leadership and putting it into practice.

My Education

  • Certificate of Hypnotherapy—Trained at Grace Space Hypnosis, the #1 hypnotherapy school
  • Master of Science, Developmental Psychology, University of Georgia
  • Bachelor of Science, United States Military Academy

Happy Customers

"I contacted Ginni after suffering with anxiety and full blown panic attacks over walking my dog in my own neighborhood. In four sessions, Ginni gave me the tools I needed to transform the situation. It was an amazing experience with an absolutely amazing individual. Harnessing the power of your own mind to make positive changes in your life is a HUGE blessing. I can instantly hear Ginni's voice when I encounter another dog out on the walk. I’m now using hypnotherapy in other areas of my life. I would recommend Ginni to everyone!!”

Leesa Smith

"I've participated in Ginni's hypnotherapy sessions for the past two years. During that time I have moved to a new city and started a new business. There was a lot of risk involved in those decisions and I found comfort in our monthly hypnotherapy sessions. Ginni helped me move forward with confidence and always kept me directed to my true north. Ginni is a gifted hypnotherapist and has also become a great friend."

Scott Mackes

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